About Us

Shakti, ‘A National Movement for Women’, initiated by ‘Vijnana Bharti’ (in the year 2003) working for empowering women through the intervention of science, technology, culture and education. This organization is committed to awaken and enhance the latent talent and innovative capacity in women and make them an intrinsic element in the development and progress of the Society & Nation

Shakti a team of Women Scientists, Social workers, technocrats, students and others are working to promote and encourage women to take their scientific careers and supporting young women in all means who wants not only to study science for earning but dedicate her whole life for science as she will represent the future of society through science. We wish to create scientific attitude and temper in the society by adopting modern science and technology in national needs with its root embedded in the ethos of Indian culture.

If the many and the One be indeed the same Reality, then it is not all modes of worship alone, but equally all modes of work, all modes of struggle, all modes of creation, which are paths of realization. No distinction, henceforth, between sacred and secular. To labour is to pray. To conquer is to renounce. Life is itself religion. To have and to hold is as stern a trust as to quit and to avoid.” Sister Nivedita

Our Story

We believe in promoting progress by overall development of women and social values but without flouting or distorting our Bhartiya culture and traditions so as to preserve our national identity.

Kolkata Nivedita Shakti has adopted a national project a year-long valued agenda of commemorating the loving daughter of mother India and Ramakrishna- Vivekananda’s NIVEDITA to celebrate her 150th Birth Centenary because she occupies an important place among the builders of modern India.

Her love for India is reflected in her writings; “I love India as the birthplace of the highest and best of all religions. I will look to India, India may look to the West if she wishes” she wrote. Nivedita will always inspire the generations to come. She taught us how to understand, love and serve our country.

Be Our Member Today

By volunteering with us, you will become a vital part of the biggest wish granting organization in the world; and you will make a real difference to the lives of ill children and their families. An opportunity that will not only develop your inter-personal skills, allow you to meet like-minded people; but will also be the most fulfilling and gratifying phase in your life that will echo with children’s laughter for years to come.


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Saving Lives & Building Families Since 2003


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119, Jodhpur Park, Kolkata- 700068

Call Us: 093311 82189